Looking for more features?
12 month subscriptions to iMonnit Premiere monitoring service for your wireless sensor network.
Upgrade your account to iMonnit Premiere and receive the following additional advanced features.
- Unlimited user accounts
- Sensor heatbeats, (check-ins) down to 10 minutes if desired
- Advanced sensor configuration options
- SMS text and email notifications sent from system when thresholds are exceeded
- Unlimited data storage
- Sensor mapping tool
- iMonnit API commands for integrating into 3rd party applications
You will receive a subsciption code via your accounts email address. This code is entered in your iMonnit portal to upgrade your services for a period of 12 months. Subscription fee is based on the maximum number of monitored sensor, please select the desired quanity when ordering. Please allow up to 48 hours, weekdays to recieve this email.
iMonnit Premiere - Advanced features subscription - 12 months
You subscription code will be forwarded to your email address entered during the checkout process. Please use discount code emailship to delete any applied shipping fees.